Senin, 31 Mei 2021

Soal Subject Pronoun Kelas 7


sumber gambar by

    Hi, jumpa lagi. Mana tau ada yang lagi nyari contoh soal tentang subject pronoun atau kata ganti

 dalam bahasa Inggris, silahkan dilihat ya. Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat


Supply the correct pronouns from the brackets!

1. Alvin gives me a ride when ______ (you, him, they, we) go to the football court every Sunday.

2. The spaghetti was spoiled, so I threw ______ (you, me, them, it) away.

3. Susi and Bella are best friends. (You, She, We, They) have known each other since elementary school.

4. The children spend their time in the museum. I accompany ______ (me, us, you, them) all day long.

5. We do not have a plan for this weekend. Please give ______ (us, them, we, me) if you have an interesting plan, okay.

6. Saiful and ______ ( him, me, her, I) are in the same class.

7. Yuni has white skin. So, we call ______ (you, me, him, her) Snow White.

8.  Andi and ______ (I, you, they, we) should meet Miss Diana now. She is waiting for both of you.

9. Yuni has a pet. ______ (You, He, She, It) is a snake!

10. Can ______ (I, we, he, she) collect the assignment tomorrow. I and Kiki need to edit it. 

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Created by: Miss Tuti

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