Jumat, 21 Januari 2022

Soal Narrative Text Kelas 9


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Contoh Soal Ulangan Harian Narrative Text Kelas 9

            Good evening, semuanya. Sebelumnya saya sudah berbagi materi tentang Narrative Text untuk siswa kelas 9. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya mau share contoh soal ulangan harian yang mungkin bisa jadi acuan untuk sobat Miss Tuti semua ya. Here you are.

A. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box!

The One-Inch Boy

            In Japan there was an old couple that wished for a (1) ..... .They wished for a child of any kind, even if he was only an inch tall. Their wish was granted. They got a child and sure enough he (2) ..... no taller than one inch. They named him Issun-Boshi which meant One Inch Boy. One day Issun-Boshi decided to see the world. His parents wanted Issun-Boshi to have a fun life so they gave him a bowl, chopsticks and a needle he could use as a sword and waved goodbye. When Issun-Boshi (3) ..... to the city, he was taken into care of a nobleman and was a servant for the princess. Issun-Boshi and the princes became good firends. One day on their way back from a nearby temple, they were stopped by a large green demon called an oni. The princess thought she was doomed for surely she could not be saved by a one inch boy. But the one inch boy acted quickly. He climbed the oni quickly and poked it in the tounge with his sword. Issun-Boshi jumped from the demon's mouth just before it turned and (4) ..... The princess was saved! Then she made a wish. "I wish for Issun-Boshi to grow tall." The princess squeezed her eyes shut and then opened them again. But the boy was still one inch tall. Then slowly, inch by inch, Issun-Boshi grew taller until he was the size of a full grown man. Issun-Boshi and the princess were married and they lived together (5) ..... for the rest of their lives.

        ran                    happily                    child                     came                         grew

B. Answer the questions acoording to the text!

1. What did the couple wish?
    Answer: ...........................

2. What was the name of the couple's child?
    Answer: ...................................................

3. What did the parents give to Issun-Boshi?
    Answer: ....................................................

4. Who stopped Issun-Boshi and the princess in their way back home?
    Answer: .............................................................................................

5. Why could Issun-Boshi grow tall?
    Answer: ........................................


Sumber: Modul Pengayaan Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas IX
               Penerbit Putra Nugraha


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Created by: Miss Tuti

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